SpiceDB Documentation
Getting Started
Installing SpiceDB

Installing SpiceDB with Docker

This document outlines how to install SpiceDB for systems running Docker (or similar container runtimes).

Every release of SpiceDB publishes AMD64 and ARM64 images to multiple public registries:

While the SpiceDB image on Docker Hub has millions of downloads, for production usage we recommend pushing a copy of the SpiceDB image to your own registry to avoid any outages or rate-limits impacting your deployment.

Pulling the latest SpiceDB Docker image

You can install the latest version of SpiceDB by using the standard pull command with your registry of choice.

docker pull authzed/spicedb:latest

Warning: Production deployments should never use the latest tag.

Instead, opt for a tag referencing a specific release. For automated upgrades consider deploying the SpiceDB Operator.

Pulling the latest SpiceDB Debug image

By default, SpiceDB images are based on Chainguard Images (opens in a new tab) in order to remain minimal and secure.

However, this can complicate debugging because there are no tools within the image if you need to debug.

If you want to execute a user session into a running SpiceDB container and install packages for debugging, you can use one of our debug images:

docker pull authzed/spicedb:latest-debug

Every release of SpiceDB has a corresponding debug image. Add -debug any release tag to pull it.

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